New HD Products

GeoStamp® HD
GeoStamp® HD is a standalone on-screen HD video overlay device that overlays GPS (Global Positioning System) latitude, longitude, heading (track), speed, altitude, date, time, and depth below transducer as well as a custom user message onto any incoming AHD, HD-TVI, and HD-CVI (720p / 1080p) video source such as a video camera. GeoStamp® HD with GPS includes an embedded high-precession GPS receiver and external GPS antenna.

VideoStamp HD
VideoStamp® HD is a standalone on-screen HD video overlay device that overlays user defined text onto any incoming AHD, HD-TVI, and HD-CVI (720p/1080p) video source such as a video camera.

GeoStamp® HD with GPS
GeoStamp® HD with GPS is a standalone on-screen HD video overlay device that overlays GPS (Global Positioning System) latitude, longitude, heading (track), speed, altitude, date, and time as well as a custom user message onto any incoming AHD, HD-TVI, and HD-CVI (720p / 1080p) video source such as a video camera.

PostMark HD
PostMark® HD is a standalone on-screen HD video overlay device that interfaces most major Cash Registers and Point of Sale Terminals (POS) with AHD, HD-TVI, and HD-CVI (720p / 1080p) security video cameras allowing suspicious cashier transactions to be captured.

VideoStamp Keyboard HD
VideoStamp® Keyboard HD is a standalone on-screen HD video overlay device that overlays text entered through any standard PS/2 keyboard onto an incoming AHD, HD-TVI, and HD-CVI (720p / 1080p) video source such as a video camera.
Featured Product

The DTMF-8 DTMF Decoder is an inexpensive, self contained, DTMF (dual tone multiple frequency) or touch tone decoder board which permits users to remotely control, via radio or other audio producing source, the on or off state of eight devices or relays. For larger applications several DTMF-8 boards can be attached to the same control audio source to control dozens of devices. DTMF-8 supports four modes of operation. These mode settings control how the DTMF-8 DTMF Decoder behaves. Password support is also available for increased protection from unauthorized entry. All information is stored in non-volatile eeprom memory.